Afghanistan, Obama: sì a bombardamenti aerei su talebani

Visite : 0Media Usa: ok della Casa Bianca dopo mesi di dibattito. In Afghanistan soldati...


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Media Usa: ok della Casa Bianca dopo mesi di dibattito. In Afghanistan soldati non saranno coinvolti in combattimenti diretti

DOPO MESI di dibattito il presidente americano Barack Obama avrebbe preso la decisione di espandere l’azione militare Usa in Afghanistan ed autorizzare ove necessario anche  bombardamenti aerei per colpire e  fermare i talebani ,che si starebbero preparando a una controffensiva estiva. Lo riportano alcuni media americani citando fonti dell’amministrazione.

La Casa Bianca prevede quindi un’intensificazione dell’aiuto alle forze armate afghane, come da tempo chiedono i vertici militari Usa, cambiando anche le regole di ingaggio. I 9.800 soldati americani ancora in Afghanistan, comunque, non saranno coinvolti in combattimenti diretti. – repubblica/Afghanistan, Obama: sì a bombardamenti aerei su talebani –  reuters/Exclusive: Obama approves broader role for U.S. forces in Afghanistan

President Barack Obama has approved giving the U.S. military greater ability to accompany and enable Afghan forces battling a resilient Taliban insurgency, in a move to assist them more proactively on the battlefield, a U.S. official told Reuters.

The senior U.S. defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the decision would also allow greater use of U.S. air power, particularly close air support.

However, the official cautioned: “This is not a blanket order to target the Taliban.”

Obama’s decision again redefines America’s support role in Afghanistan’s grinding conflict, more than a year after international forces wrapped up their combat mission and shifted the burden to Afghan troops.

It also comes ahead of Obama’s eagerly anticipated decision on whether to forge ahead with a scheduled reduction in the numbers of U.S. troops from about 9,800 currently to 5,500 by the start of 2017.

A group of retired generals and senior diplomats urged Obama last week to forgo those plans, warning they could undermine the fight against the Afghan Taliban, whose leader was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Pakistan last month.

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